Struggling with tech issues, illness, and holidays.

After struggling with health issues for the last year, holidays came as a welcome respite, which also coincided with a turn around of a pesky chest infection. Holidays allow you to have a period of introspection, and reassessment, in other words a complete break and reset. I love my work, which is an honest passion for my. subject matter. As a child I grew up in the countryside, and the fields and hedgerows were my happy place, there is nothing sophisticated about that, but, the love of the countryside that surrounded me, has informed who I am, and my work is my homage to those early memories. The only cloud on my bucolic horizon is the world of tech!, it is not my natural environment, however, communication is key, and needs must. drive me to at least, acquaint myself with the monster, to the best of my ability.

Holiday Inspiration